NWSC completes plans to extend piped water to 12,000 villages

NWSC completes plans to extend piped water to 12,000 villages

National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC) has completed plans to extend piped water to 12000 villages in 80 districts in the next three years.

Yesterday the water body engaged District leaders, Development partners, Officials from Ministry of Finance, NEMA, NFA, Ministry of Water and Environment, UNRA and private water operators among others.

The consultative workshop was aimed at getting all major stakeholders involved in the corporation’s drive to reach 100% service coverage for water.

The project, SCAP 100 (Service Coverage Acceleration Program) is in line with the Corporation’s 2016-2021 strategic direction and aims to ensure water for all, starting with all villages in all 174 towns by 2020.

Currently, NWSC coverage stands at 77%. To reach 100%, the corporation needs a concerted effort involving stakeholders, from planning to Implementation. Some key elements under the program include Upgrading and expansion of infrastructure, increasing safe water coverage and improvement of functionality of existing PSPs.

Following opening remarks, NWSC MD Dr.Eng Silver Mugisha presented an overview of the corporations’ operations before and an overview of SCAP 100.

The estimated financing needed to achieve the project by 2020 amounts to UGX213.4 Billion i.e on average UGX71 billion per annum. GOU will Finance 42% amounting to UGX 90billion over a period of three years (2017-2020).

The remaining 58% (amounting to UGX 123b) of the project cost will be funded by NWSC using internally generated resources.

Overall Project Objective

Construction of cost effective safe water supply schemes targeting 12,000 villages which currently don’t have water reliable supply and ensuring 100% system functionality.

Installing of 140,000 new water connections and 20,000 Public Stand Pipes (PSPS) by 2020; two PSPs per village and one PSP per 200 people.

Water service expansion through installation of a total of 8000km of pipe extension and intensification over three years.

Meanwhile National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC) has continued to warn its customers against tempering water meters which they say costs the water body and its customers billions of shillings a year.

“Theft of water by tampering with or bypassing water meters not only costs National Water and Sewerage Corporation billions of shillings a year, but also imposes costs on each and every paying customer. Water theft is a serious offense and can result in significant fines as well as criminal prosecution by NWSC. Stop Water Theft,” NWSC posted.

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