‘Thumbs up for the organizers of Uganda-UK convention 2016’ – Frank Gashumba

‘Thumbs up for the organizers of Uganda-UK convention 2016’ – Frank Gashumba

Economic and civil right activist, Frank Gashumba has appreciated the work the orgnaisers of Uganda-UK convention 2016 did. Through his social media platforms, Frank thanked them for the good job done;


“I want to take this opportunity to thank the organizers of the Uganda-UK convention 2016. My sincere thanks goes most especially to Mr Mutenza Willy. I enjoyed every bit and the experience and exposure was awesome.


My visit to the UK was brief and precise. The Convention revealed to me the power of the social media! I was extremely shocked on how Ugandans in UK follow each and everything I do on social media and TV Stations. If every selfie i took was converted into pounds, i would be walking happily to the bank now! Ugandans in the Diaspora love their country the way human beings love to breathe. Every private meeting i had with different Ugandans, 99% were asking me what they can do to help and transform Uganda.


Yes we come from different ethnic, cultural and religious backgrounds; Baganda, Basoga, Bagisu, Banyankole etc actually there are over 56 tribes in Uganda but there is no difference with all of them. We are all the same! Basoga have a King, Baganda have a King, Batooro have a King etc but above all of us, there is a country called Uganda and we all carry a passport that bares the name REPUBLIC OF UGANDA. No kingdom in Uganda issues passports! Absolutely none and certainly there will never be one. So in summary we are the same, one people and one nation. We may disagree on ideologies but we shouldn’t fight or kill each other.


I am back in the most disorganized village you can ever hope to go to. In the coming few weeks, i will reveal to you what we can do to leave a better Uganda than the one we see today.

For God and My Country!

Sisimuka Uganda Teri Kulinda Kulala.

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