Photos: Comedy Store signs off for a break in an amazing fashion

Photos: Comedy Store signs off for a break in an amazing fashion

Comedy Store last night signed off in an amazing fashion as they embark on a brief break. Alex Muhangi, the Store boss expressed his happiness at the turn up graced by top celebrities and socialites in town.

Diva Cindy Sanyu fired up the crowd on the final night before the comedy heads for a short make to plan for a mega restructure.

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“Thanks to those who turned up for our closing show as we embark on a brief break. It was remarkable. Too much music, full package of comedy. We hope it was worth it and that you had a great time.

Cindy came in high spirit! She went on to entertain her fans who stuck around despite most of the audience leaving. And those who stayed will tell you it was a blast. She treated them to some of her hits from the Blu*3 years. Good vibes just.

Earlier, King Saga had put up a solid performance that got everybody jiggy. His vocal abilities are not something ordinary.

But we had as much music entertainment as we had the laughs. Not surprising when the lineup comprises of Mariachi, Madrat & Chiko, Senga Nantume, Snake & Zolo, Crazy University, Kerekere, Kabata and the likes.

Did you see that Kerekere attire? And these are the same chaps that were judging Jack Pemba. Lol… Moral of the story – Never be quick to judge.

Anyway, let us know what made your biggest highlight through the show. Engage us on social media and invite friends to like/follow our pages,” Alex Muhangi posted. Enjoy pictorial moment from the show.

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