DC’s Economic war begins to benefit Africans

DC’s Economic war begins to benefit Africans

Development Channel (DC)’s Economic War has started to benefit Africans, we can confirm.  Latest on our desk has it that starting from yesterday (30th April 2019), DC has paid dividend or monthly support payments for the first time in the history of the movement to its activated beneficiaries.

Development Channel has credited 560 people’s accounts from Uganda, Kenya and a few activated from Nigeria including children with average $30 per account.

Unlimited Internet - Uganda

Commenting on the developments, DC boss Charles Lambert said he is excited about the achievement.

“We bless God for beginning of ordinary Africans enjoying proceeds from Africa’s First economic war. We will continue our stride until billions of dollars which usually leave the shores of Africa through foreign brands are redirected into the pockets and communities of Africans. Thank you very much my Lord Jesus Christ for everything,” Charles N. Lambert, Chairman of DC said.

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