‘Africa must restore its Identity, Culture to thrive’ – King Charles Lambert
King Charles N Lambert has told Africans that the only way for the continent to prosper and thrive again is through restoration of the African Culture that was destroyed by European colonialists.
Culture defines identity, he said. And for man to overcome mediocrity, he should know his identity.
“It’s sad Europeans took that (identity) from us. We must restore our culture and identity,” King Charles said.
Quoting author Walter Rodney’s book- How Europe Underdeveloped Africa, King Charles said that Europeans messed Africa when they copied and pasted their European systems onto Africa during colonialism.
“These European systems have failed to work in Africa,” he said.
And he explained that Africa needs a fresh setting which he termed as Africa Rebirth.
He went on: “We have to recreate every single part of how Africa society functions in a way that suits Africans, and not how it suits Europeans.
There must be a new approach of doing things in Africa. This is a new system tailored to fit Africans.”
King Charles is the author of the blueprint of the Africa Rebirth/Renaissance.
He said Compassionate Capitalism, the new economic system, is the principal to help emancipate Africans and restore Africa’s deserved success.
King Charles revealed three key areas in which Europeans destroyed Africans; Cultural, economical and politically.
He further explained that our culture and identity were destroyed though the introduction of boundaries that divided Africans.
Quoting Greek philosopher Socrates, King Charles-a philosopher himself- said Africans must regain their identity by getting to know who exactly they are.
In knowing one self, he went on, man defeats mediocrity.
“For man to overcome mediocrity, he should know his identity. And the Europeans too that away from us. We must get it back,” King Charles further said.
He added that real strength and power of man is knowing himself. “We must know ourselves in all aspects like food, history, health etc. This will aid us to regain our long list glory,” he added.
King Charles explained that when society loses its identity like Africa did during colonialism, people lose their self esteem, social cohesion and this can result into societal madness.
“It’s therefore paramount to restore our culture and heal our society,” he called upon Africans.
As a result he re-echoed the need to join the Black Wall Street Content Production Hub.
He further said this will be approached through e-books and practical videos like brick laying, carpentry, plumbing etc that will offer hands on job trainings for youths across Africa.
“This will train our people to provide practical solutions in Africa,” he said.
Earlier this year, King Charles announced the creation of the Pan African Job Centre, a program that will help curb unemployment in Africa by creating over 300 million jobs for African youths across the continent.
King Charles- nicknamed The African Oracle- announced that these jobs will be created through the 28 points of the new economic system, Compassionate Capitalism, he founded.
Acknowledging that Africa’s biggest challenge and problem is unemployment, King Lambert hopes this new innovation, The Pan African Job Centre will process African youths into jobs in the 28 sectors after getting certificates following an intense training program.
“The job centre is already implemented on the platform online, and will soon be implemented physically offline with actual physical setup across various African countries,” King Lambert announced.
He added that this development will aid in building industries to help control production.
King Lambert declared: “It’s not secret that we are the richest continent in the world.”
All this, King Lambert added, will be made possible by working with Indians to help bring the over 300 million youths into the job ranks with in the Compassionate Capitalism 28 sectors.
Earlier, King Lambert had announced a partnership called The India/Africa Technology Pact.
This pact will see the Black Wall Street employ one million Indians that will work towards improving Africans.
“It’s no secret that Indians have the best work ethics in the world. They are the best customer service people, platform workers, and will introduce innovative solutions that will change every sector in the Compassionate Capitalism ranks,” King Lambert announced.
It’s a bottom up consumer solutions, he added.
This is all aimed at empowering Africans and eliminating European capitalism which has set Africa behind.
This is to achieve African Capitalism Independence by providing investment opportunities within the 28 sectors.
He also acknowledged the need for tribe based allocation of jobs. He said Africa Rebirth intends to exploit tribe strengths in job allocation.
Giving an example of the Igbos, a tribe predominantly in eastern Nigeria but scattered across Africa, King Charles said the Igbos are good at Project management and execution.
This, he explained, is because the Igbos are good at developing areas they migrate to.
Naturally, they are project oriented, they are creators.
He added: “Therefore, we must identify every tribes strength and incorporate them in our organization.”
King Charles also said Africans who would like to be part of this journey can join the Black Wall Street Production Hub’s cooperative society where each member is guaranteed work every month.
This investment brings investment points hence getting members into the Upap, the investment branch of the business.
Upap is shares to the entire business operations of the Back Wall Street pegged per share at $100 per month in dividend and $30,000 in Cash Out Value. Upap is secured using 20,000 Investment Points gained from purchases at Redirect Mall.
For more details, logon to www.cc1-28.com.
TAGS Charles N Lambert