UAP Old Mutual Life Assurance rewards Top performers
The UAP Old Mutual Life Assurance sales office at Kimathi Avenue in Kampala was fully warm on Monday 16th January as it was a date to announce the winners of the On-shore Convention 2023 happening in Swakompund, Namibia.
The convention will happen between 27th February and 6th March 2022 under the theme “STARS OF AFRICA” In Prior years, the onshore convention has been happening in South Africa (Cape town and Durban) where sales teams across the 13 African countries in which Old Mutual operates meet to wear off stress, enjoy the fruits of their hard work and strategize for the tasks ahead.
The expectant teams fully attended the Monday meeting with all excitement, ready to celebrate the winners. All agents under life assurance were eligible, that is, in the categories of New agents, Seasoned agents, unit managers, regional sales managers, bancassurance sales officers and principle officers.
The winners of the convention were selected using criteria that included productivity, production, persistency, code of conduct, product mix and profitability.
The stars of Africa that qualified for the convention included: Evelyn Naava Anita, Justin Namugosa, Phillip Kasule, Judith Kakuze, Ssendagire Mariam, Hadijah Nakanwagi, Kizito Rashid, Nagasha Kansiime Flora and Mugyeni Michelle.
While addressing the agents, Stephen Lubowa the Head of Marketing and Distribution emphasized that the convention is meant to encourage the teams to push beyond boundaries and achieve all set targets for the business. He further mentioned that the year is still young so all members must realign their selling strategies to qualify for the next on shore convention which will happen at the beginning of 2024.
The Managing Director, Patrick Kimathi thanked the winners for the job well done especially on productivity and APE where the targets were achieved. He then mentioned that for the year 2023, management will support the sales teams in all their endeavors to secure new business.