‘Share this message as many times as you share my pictures’- Desire Luzinda

‘Share this message as many times as you share my pictures’- Desire Luzinda

Singer contributes Shs 1m towards Save Raymond fundraiser car wash

Curvy singer Desire Luzinda has steered the desire to save a life by  calling on her fans,  followers and well wishers  to  share  “The save a life messages” as many times as they share her pictures on her social media platforms.

This picture has been shared 400 times since it was posted at the weekend

This picture has been shared 400 times since it was posted at the weekend

The ‘Lwaki Wekoza’ singer posted a picture of herself in Sweden in hot pants and it was overwhelmingly  shared  prompting the singer to question why her fans  can’t  share the life saving messages just like they did with her picture posted over the weekend with close 400 shares.


“If this message (above) could be shared twice as many times as my picture was, someone’s life would be saved, Right here watching your area of interest,” Desire Luzinda posted.


“This Saturday 8th October at Panamera let’s save Raymond. I will not be in the country but please contact Mr. Lwasa of Lwasa Events to give you 1m as my contribution. We play our part and leave the rest to God,” Desire said.

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