Over UGX 20m raised for Nyakihanga Health Centre as Hon. Roland Bish leads the drive
Over UGX 20m were raised at a Fundraising Drive for the construction of Nyakihanga Health Centre Staff quarters yesterday in Rukiga County, Rukiga District.
The area MP Hon. Ndyomugyenyi Roland Bish who was the chief guest appreciated the support everyone put in to make sure that the staff get where to sleep as they take care of the patients.
Prior to the drive, Hon. Bish Roland joined Christians of St. James Buhangizi COU for the Sunday Service.
He later officiated at the fundraising function for Nyakihanga H/c Medical Worker’s House at Nyakihange Church of Uganda in Kashekye Parish, Kamwezi S/c, Rukiga.
Hon Ndyomugyenyi Roland Bish was joined by fellow Members of Parliament who among was Hon. Eng Nelson Okello MP Maruzi County , Hon.Tonny MP Nwoya County and Hon Nathan MP Bukanga at Nyakihanga Health center II.
The function raised over 20m in cash which is geared towards the construction of a staff house to enable health workers get a descent accommodation to enhance service delivery at the health facility.

Hon. Roland Ndyomugyenyi on the same day officiated at the football match between Kamwezi Select and Kamwezi United at Nyakihanga Playground in Kamwezi Sub County.
He pledged to continue supporting sports and also urged them to use their talent as a source of income.
Hon Bish Roland also launched the Value addition component at Rukiga Community Seed Bank.
The Value addition component will help in the reinstatement and Combating malnutrition plus ensuring food insecurity in Rukiga.
Mr. Fixer as he is nicknamed is surely fixing the Constituency and Country at large.