Uganda’s most influential Tv stations named
Recent broadcast audience research by Ipsos & GeoPoll, both of them reputable research agencies have affirmed NTV leadership key industry parameters i.e. audience quality, share of viewership and reach.
Audience quality looks at measures like age, social-economic class and gender while share of viewership looks at the percentage of time a specific audience spends watching a particular TV station. Reach on the other hand looks at the number of people reached by a media house in a specific time period- usually 7 days. More importantly while reach is a quantitative parameter, audience and share of viewership are qualitative parameters. The Ipsos, Day-After Recall (DAR) survey, done in August 2015 shows NTV had the highest national reach of 52%.
NTV Uganda still Uganda’s number one
Across the various regions, NTV had a reach of 45%, 69%, 47 and 56% in the central, north, eastern and Western Uganda respectively.
In all the regions, save for the Central NTV is the preferred choice. It is important to note that not only does NTV reach higher numbers, but it also delivers a critical mass of economically active and income earning audiences i.e. 64% of the AB, 54% of C1 and 45% of C2 social economic classes watch NTV.
No other TV station delivers this quality of audience. According to Ipsos, NTV is also the most preferred youth station- watched by 57% of the 20-34 age group and 47% of the 45+ age category.

Flavia Tumusiime is making it big at NTV Uganda
Important facts on the TV industry
According to independent research by Ipsos 28% of Uganda’s 7.35 million households have access to TV. Assuming that each household has one TV set and excluding those in public places, we can conservatively say, there are 2.053 million TVs. This increased access, has been occasioned by increased household incomes, increased rural electrification coupled with increased investments by industry players such as ourselves into increasing coverage- to reach more than 85% of the country and effectively becoming the largest TV network in the country. General economic growth has also attracted new players in the industry who have obviously contributed to especially unlocking new audiences- an effort that is being supported by increased focus on local content. National Viewership Share Survey Report by GeoPoll (September –November 2015)
• NTV went up one point from 32% to 33% and remained the most watched TV in the country.
• Bukedde moved from 21% in September to 24% in November
• NBSTV- lost one percentage point from 11% to 10% in the same period
• Urban TV increased one point from 7% to 8%
• WBSTv remained virtually stagnant at 7%
Sheila Nduhukire of NTV Uganda
Regional performance
Bukedde however remained the most dominant TV in Central Uganda with a share of 33% -the second being NTV at 23%. NBS, UBC & urban tied at 9% and WBS came last at 7%
In Northern Uganda NTV is the most watched TV- commanding a huge 58% lead (bigger than all other TVs combined).
Urban comes in at No.2 with 16% and NBS comes in at a distant third position with 10% while Bukedde has a miserable 6%.
In eastern Uganda, Again NTV has the biggest lead with 47% share of viewership followed by Bukedde at 25% while WBS (8%) and NBS TV (6%) come in the 3rd and 4th position respectively.
• In western Uganda, NTV is still the leading TV with 63% followed by Bukedde in a distant 2nd position at 11% while NBS & WBS tie in the 3rd position with just 9%