Johnnie Walker Jazzing Up Ugandans at The Fezah Live Editions

Johnnie Walker Jazzing Up Ugandans at The Fezah Live Editions

Following a one year break, Johnnie Walker is bringing back the Live Editions in season two starting this Friday, March 23 at Guvnor Uganda. The Fezah Jazz Evening Live Editions will be held every second Friday of the month to showcase and celebrate Ugandan jazz talent.

The event which returns to the entertainment menu since the first edition held in 2016, is part of Johnnie Walker’s drive to jazz up jazz music enthusiasts even more after taking over title sponsorship of the Jazz Safari last year as the event marked its 10th anniversary.

“This year will be fun-filled for all jazz lovers in Uganda. In continuation of the journey we embarked on last year, we will be taking it a notch higher this year giving consumers more jazz musical experiences throughout 2018 headlined by some of the most sought after artists,” said Edgar Birungi, the Head of Spirits at Uganda Breweries Limited.

TShaka Mayanja’s BlackRoots UNLIMITED band will pioneer this year’s performance at the Fezah Jazz Evening Live Editions in a tribute to the 10 years of Jazz Safari. The band consisting of renowned musicians and instrumentalists in their own right, will play all the songs which have been performed by all the jazz artistes to grace the Jazz Safari over the 10 years since it started in 2008.

The band consists of TShaka Roots Mayanja (Bass), Joshua Maggwa (Drums), KazKasozi (Guitar), Pragmo (Keyboards), FestoMugume (Keyboards), AloysiousMigadde (Guitar), Michael Kitanda (Saxophone) and TonnyMusaazi (Trumpet).

“On Friday we will unveil the artist who will be headlining this year’s Annual Johnnie Walker Jazz Safari and our plans for this year. Jazz Safari is a standard and this year will be the 11th year of this huge celebration. Our fans should look out for changes that will make the event even better,” said Mr. Mayanja.

In addition to the Live Editions, the other amazing jazz experiences which Johnnie Walker has laid out this year include the Isaiah Katumwa concert that is scheduled for April and the Johnnie Walker Jazz Safari in June.

“Johnnie Walker associated with Jazz Safari because it is a direct representation of continuity, legacy and success; the values which Johnnie Walker symbolizes and is proud to celebrate,” said Mr. Birungi.

Tickets for this Friday’s Fezah Jazz Evening Live Editions event are Shs 25,000 and 100,000 for a Table of five. Johnnie Walker is also giving away free tickets to the shows to whoever shares a picture that best describes their love for Johnnie Walker with the hashtags #JWShowAndTell and #JWJazzLive.

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