I would love to bed Trey Songz – Lynda Ddane
Sexy Lynda Ddane is a co-presenter of Jam101 with Calvin D Entertainer on Uganda Broadcasting Corporation (UBC). The multi-themed entertainment show airs at 10am on weekdays and it does lifestyle, fashion, entertainment news, themed daily music and countdown. Showbiz Uganda tracked Lynda Ddane down for an exclusive interview about her career, love life and future expectations.
Ddane wants to bed Trey Songz
She was born on 25th October 1994 and she has been described as a school tourist because she was one hell of a girl who changed school like clothes. She went to Kabojja, Nabisunsa, Emma International School, Riviera, Makerere College to mention but a few. Below is an exclusive interview from her. Read on….
SU: Tell us about Lynda Ddane?
Lynda Ddane: Lynda is well……. Ummmmmm…….. An awkward little girl. She is a smiley, doesn’t know how to quarrel, basically she lives everyday on a ‘y.o.l.o’ basis (you only live once).
SU: How did you end up on television?

Lynda Ddane: How did I end up on television …….well am a talkative girl you all know. Have friends everywhere, I remember the first Time I was actually approached by Anna Talia when she was with Urban tv. It all started from there. Then after a while, Uganda Broadcasting Corporation (UBC) was holding auditions and Calvin called me like at the last minute and he was like “hey could you drop by UBC one morning, and am like of course, I got there and they were doing auditions. I was paired with him and apparently we got along. And from there, I was given the job right away and I started working the next day till now ‘Am miss Jam101’. Basically i talk a lot.
Her childhood dream was to marry a Prince
SU: How would you describe Ugandan television industry? Lynda Ddane: Well the Ugandan television industry is one hell of a tough one to keep up with right now, everything feels like it’s in transition…. Everything is getting modernised and we are faced with the challenge of trying to keep up with it. It’s a competitive field that am glad to be part of.
SU: As a child, what was your childhood dream?
Lynda Ddane: As a child…..Well my dream as far as me is concerned, I always wanted to marry a prince! Hehehhehehehhehehe I watched too many cartoons. [adrotate banner=”3″] SU: Sex life is good! How good is yours? Are you dating and who is the lucky guy? Lynda Ddane: Sex life… Well am still looking for my “the one”. Give me a call if you are single and if you can handle the girl in me.
SU: Who inspires you in life?
Lynda Ddane: Oprah inspires me ‘I like her’, I have always wanted to be able to use my words to influence many people’. And of course I do want to grow in this…. you never know maybe just maybe…..i may be lucky, God hasn’t let me down so far *fingers crossed* am going to get there.
SU: Where do you see yourself in the next five years? Lynda Ddane: I don’t know where I will be in the next five years though am just going to work hard enough and hopefully it shall lead me to a place good enough.
Lynda says she would love to bed American music star Trey Songz
SU: What do you do in your free time?
Lynda Ddane: I don’t have that much free time but when I get, i spend time with MA bestie #my wife.
SU: What is your favourite dish?
Lynda Ddane: My favorite dish is Indian dish, spiced rice and chicken.
SU: Tell us about your modelling career and fashion? Lynda Ddane: Well for now I model part time. It’s all about managing my time and i want to be able to have sometime for myself as well. So I pull some stuff back but I won’t let go of that part of me.
Lynda is inspired by Oprah Winfrey
SU: Are you into sports and what is your favourite sport and which team?
Lynda Ddane: For Sports I fancy indoor games. Chess is my favorite because I was always good at it. Yeah chess, table tennis and video games, and other board games do for me.
SU: If given a chance, which celebrity would you bed and why?
Lynda Ddane: If given a chance, I would bed Trey f**kin Songs. ‘Nigga’ is cuter than cutest mmmmmm*bites finger*.
SU: What are the three things you can’t live without?
Lynda Ddane: Three things I can’t live without…. Definitely won’t survive without God, i mean he is like definitely the one that has gotten me this far. My family, I love them to death, each and everyone of them even those who don’t understand me, them breathing and sharing even the slightest bit of DNA with me… Is a blessing! And of course the internet, at times I feel Google is like the brain we all need especially on lazy mornings and I have many of those…. My brain kicks in at around noon and sometimes it can take a whole day off.
Lynda likes fun and she is very social
SU: And what has been your best TV moment?
Lynda Ddane: My best TV moment…. Hmm all I can’t really pick one. I feel like each TV moment is a great one.
SU: As a female television star! How do you deal with horny men who approach you?
Lynda Ddane: As a female in the business, well it’s really easy, I feel like guys actually just get intimidated by me in a way.
SU: What is your message to those aspiring to be television stars?
Lynda Ddane: My message to those that are aspiring to be TV stars; It’s not always going to be easy, people will try to discourage you, people will judge you, people will ridicule you, and at many times you will be swayed towards changing your actual personality., but one does have to be strong and persevere and all shall fall in place, if it’s your calling it’s your calling, just stick to your guns, do your best and hopefully it shall be good enough!