Excitement as former lingerie fashion shows host, Jackie Klein is finally ballooned

Excitement as former lingerie fashion shows host, Jackie Klein is finally ballooned

She has all along been wanted to become a mother and God has finally answered her prayers. The former glamour gal and lingerie fashion show organiser Jackie Klein is expecting her first child.

Former Lingerie fashion shows host is set to become a mother for the first time

Former Lingerie fashion shows host is set to become a mother for the first time

The socialite who has been off the social scene of recent has surely been playing well her nocturnal games. She revealed the baby bump news on her social media by posting pictures of her growing tummy on Facebook wall today. [adrotate banner=”3″] Although she didn’t reveal who the father of unborn baby is, she looks so happy for the good news.

Jackie with a male friend as she showed off baby bump. We are not yet sure whether this guys is the one responsible for her bulging tummy or not

Jackie with a male friend as she showed off baby bump. We are not yet sure whether this guys is the one responsible for her bulging tummy or not

Jackie has been longing to have a child and she has finally had prayers answered. She rose to fame with Lingerie shows in most nightspots in Kampala that brought men to love her for her shows.

Jackie Klein showing off baby bump with a female friend

Jackie Klein showing off baby bump with a female friend

Jackie has all along wanted to become a mother

Jackie has all along wanted to become a mother

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