Evoke Nights to give platform for raw talent to showcase creativity

Evoke Nights to give platform for raw talent to showcase creativity

Kampala, Evoke Nights will be returning this week for its second season of showcasing talent since its grand debut in 2017.

The show will open at 7pm this Thursday at the Industrial based club, The Square with performances from the headline acts such as Route 316 Band, Lus the Poet, Jose Sax, Noble the Beat Boxer, Adore, plus fresh new talent in the mix.

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“The line-up is crazy. Our fans and the audience shall not be ready for some of the acts,” Said Emmanuel Sebijjo, the producer of the event.

Organisers of the event have continued to create an opportunity for the upcoming talents to showcase their creativity through this platform by supporting them in their endeavors.

‘Expression of one’s self is mastered beautifully through literature. There is a growing new interest in the spoken word and poetry forms of art and we are proud to be a part of this movement,” said Grace Namutebi, Premium Beer Brands Manager.

With Tusker Lite manning the drinks, the retro inspired edition will whisk revelers to the past and blend in with the present with the series of evoke performances in store. Passes to the show will be available at the gate for shs20,000/=

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