Don Zella’s ‘Gal Power’ party to rock Club Play

Don Zella’s ‘Gal Power’ party to rock Club Play

All roads lead to Club Play for the biggest party of the year dubbed ‘Gal Power’. The luxurious party with a touch of charity work will be hosted by US-Ugandan based socialite Don Zella Nalongo.

The uniqueness of the party is the charity bit of it. Don Zella told this website that in they have been spending money on friends, boyfriends and many other but now it’s time for a different campaign of giving back to the people who are going through a rough time in life.

Unlimited Internet - Uganda

Don Zella

“Last year we had a massive party at Club Ambiance but this year we are in club Play on 21st December with a different campaign giving back to the our people who are going through a rough time in life as we used to be. I am calling on all hustlers to join hands on this fundraising event of women empowerment through fun. We come from different up bringing but 70% we have come from a rough upbringing, we have been dumped by men, raped, violence in marriage and you saving a life matters a lot. To you all Diasporas let us join hands together for the Gal Power,” Nalongo Don Zella said.

“21st December 2017, Gal Power at Club Play don’t forget the dates..#TeamDon”.

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