Digital Transformation will create long term value for Telecos and their customers

Digital Transformation will create long term value for Telecos and their customers

Leading Chinese ICT solutions provider Huawei has engaged African telecom operators on Digital Operations Transformation saying this should be geared towards creating long term strategic value both for the teleco and its customers.

Speaking at the telecoms industry Operations Transformation Forum at AfricaCom in Cape Town, the company said, as global voice revenue and growth is declining, data and digital services are now driving revenue growth, digital operations transformation is crucial for operators’ business growth and evolution and digital operation transformation must return to the commercial nature, what specific problems to be solved and what value to be delivered.

Huawei has identified three key elements for Digital Operations Transformation, these are: a set of Industry-based best practices and methodologies, open industry reference models and a series of executable targets.

As a leading telecom service and solution provider Huawei plans to invest 1 Billion USD in the next 3 years, to propel progress in digitization solution to build business and technical capabilities, and has already seen the benefits in R&D, supply chain and delivery.

Huawei stated that operators can maximize value and efficiency through digitization and it is ready to partner with our customers and third-party partners to walk this journey of digital transformation together.

The company has developed a set of effective digital transformation methodologies and solutions which are aimed at assisting operators. The key benefits are geared towards releasing network value, improving subscriber loyalty, optimizing operating efficiency and accelerating digital operation transformation.

During the Operation Transformation Forum, speakers from International Data Corporation, a global ICT analyst firm and Hong Kong Telecoms, among others, shared their insights and experiences of digital transformation that has vastly shorten time to market of 2B business, improved the end user experience, and brought them more digital services including mobile financial services.

The Operation Transformation Forum themed “Enable new growth by Operation Transformation” attracted over 50 industry analysts and operators’.

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