106.1 Jazz FM, Nile Gold Jazz and Soul Safari to give out tickets

106.1 Jazz FM, Nile Gold Jazz and Soul Safari to give out tickets

Win with 106.1 Jazz FM and The Nile Gold Jazz and Soul Safari

Starting today, 106.1 Jazz FM together with Jazz Safari are giving away over 50 tickets for the 9th Annual Nile Gold Jazz and Soul Safari concert slated for the 8th of October at Lugogo Cricket Oval.


You could be the lucky winner of a ticket to the 9th Annual Nile Gold Jazz AND SOUL safari concert on the 8th of October 2016.

To win, like Jazz FM Facebook page or follow them on Twitter then call in any of our live shows to request for your favourite song of any of the three headlining artists like Maxi Priests, Lin Rountree and Jackiem Joyner.


The more active you keep on our social media pages, the higher your chances of winning:

Call in during any of the station's live shows and you could be the lucky winner

Call in during any of the station’s live shows and you could be the lucky winner

Call 07511006106

Facebook page: https://web.facebook.com/www.jazzfm.co.ug/

Twitter; https://twitter.com/106_1Jazzfm

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