Women Take Over Dinner 2018 set for this Friday

Women Take Over Dinner 2018 set for this Friday

Red Women Foundation is set to host Women Take Over Dinner under the Theme ‘Celebrating Women In Business’. The dinner is slated for this Friday 17th August 2018 at Nanjing Hotel Kololo starting at 7pm.

The host Red Women Foundation’s expectation is attendance and a donation to breast cancer patients.

Unlimited Internet - Uganda

The purpose of this event is to celebrate and empower women in business at different levels. The dinner is dedicated to breast cancer patients. Red women foundation will also use this platform to raise funds to donate to breast cancer patient under our campaign STRONG AGAINST CANCER.

The dinner is powered by Fly Dubai, Satguru, Cancer Hope, City Tyres.


Skin testing

Live auctioning

Sharing business experiences.

Awarding outstanding women in business.

What you need to know about Red Women Uganda Foundation

Red women Uganda is a non-government organisation for women in Uganda. They are a national foundation dedicated to giving women and girls a chance for

Here are the key reasons we focus on women and girls:

Improving gender equality improves economic and social conditions for everyone

Women and girls deserve a chance for a better life—free from violence, poverty, and rigid stereotypes that limit their potential.

Women and girls face different kinds of economic and social challenges, which require different kinds of solutions.

Helping women and girls is cost effective and creates very successful outcomes.

Helping women and girls is not only the right thing to do; it’s an intelligent investment in a better future.

Across the globe, people are beginning to recognize the economic and social benefits of improving gender equality. We are linked to this global movement through membership in the Women’s funding strategy

You can help stop the violence, end poverty, and empower girls.

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