Thank You All For Voting Me – Bebe Cool

Thank You All For Voting Me – Bebe Cool

Singer Bebe Cool has thanked his fans ahead of MAMA Awards slated for this weekend in Durban South Africa.Bebe CoolBebe Cool

The singer who is nominated for this year’s MAMA(MTV Africa Music Awards) for the best video of the year for his song ‘Love You Everyday’ is optimistic to bring the award home and went onto social media platforms to thank all his fans, friend and everybody who voted for him.

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“I would like to thank each individual who put in his or her precious time n money to vote for me with love and respect, may the almighty ALLAH BLESS you abundantly.
It’s now in the hands of the almighty and MTV family. A nomination was as good as a win and am proud to have been a representative of the Pearl of Africa flag. It’s time to focus on raising the bar even higher.‪#‎GMAU15‬ Special thanks to GAGAMEL FAMILY and let the focus turn to ‪#friendsofbebecool‬ 7th aug ‪#‎kampalaserenahotel‬ biggest concert of the year. Love u all,” Bebe Cool

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