New Kitagata Bridge on the verge of collapse
Users of Ishaka- Kitagata- Kagamba Road have expressed fear at the new bridge at Ngaromwenda near Kitagata Hot springs on the under construction Ishaka-Kitagata- Kagamba Road. The new was built less than a year ago but has already developed cracks and part of it has already gone off. Ishaka- Kagamba Road is still under construction by Dott Services Limited but they were not the ones contracted to work on the bridge.
The new Kitagata Bridge has already cracked
Residents have called on Allen Kagina, Executive Director of Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA) and her team to act quickly because the bridge may collapse soon.
“This road has a lot of traffic especially heavily loaded trailers from Kasese to Congo and Rwanda so we needed a stronger bridge like the old one”, a road user said. Interestingly the old bridge built in 1970s is still strong and hard. The works on the new bridge were shoddy.
UNRA Boss Allen Kagina