Miracle Entertainment Group set to perform at the Global cultural event

Miracle Entertainment Group set to perform at the Global cultural event

All roads lead to Uganda Museum on 13th August 2017 for the eagerly awaited Global Cultural Event hosted by Mary Ingabire of Mary Ingabire Global Event. Miracle Entertainment Group, Burundian Troupe have been confirmed as part of performers at the global event.

“Confirmed and sealed to perform at the Global Cultural Event are the Miracle Entertainment and Focus their slogan. They do Burundian culture dance, Baganda dance, Rwandan, etc. They also do Drama, modern dance.

Unlimited Internet - Uganda

Mark the Dates Please, Mary Ingabire Global Events presents the Global Cultural Event. First Edition at Uganda Museum on 13th August 2017. Children 5k, Adults 10k, Stall 500k and VIP Table 1m while Tent is at 1.5m. Gates open at 10am-11pm. Come and we celebrate Pride, Heritage and Peace,” Mary said.

Mary Ingabire

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