Jimmy Lukwago gears up for Kira Municipality 2026 MP seat through supporting community development

Jimmy Lukwago gears up for Kira Municipality 2026 MP seat through supporting community development

Kira Young Foundation (KYF) main man Jimmy Lukwago is already set for the next elections, we can establish.
Speaking to this website, Jimmy said he has set all sights on dethroning Kira Municipality MP Hon. Ssemujju Nganda from Parliament in 2026.

Jimmy Lukwago, Kira Young boss wants Kira Municipality MP seat on NUP ticket in 2026

The Kira Young  boss who contested on National Unity Platform (NUP) and lost the seat in the last elections said he is already looking forward to the elections with high hopes.
Lukwago, a well known businessman in Kira Municipality and the sorrounding areas has been instrumental in community development and has not abandoned Kira people despite the previous loss.
He has been helpful towards building of Churches, Mosques, Schools, Roads as well as contributing to many other institutions and development groups in the area.
He has also been instrumental in supporting youth and women’s development groups in the area especially in the area of sports. Watch the space!!!
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