JAMAFEST 2017 launched by Minister Lukia Nakadama

JAMAFEST 2017 launched by Minister Lukia Nakadama

Lukia Isanga Nakadama the current State Minister for Gender and Culture has today officially launched the Third edition of the Jumuiya Ya Afrika Mashariki Utamaduni Festival (JAMAFEST) 2017. The minister launched the festival at the Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development offices in Kampala.Lukia Nakadama and other officials at the launch of JAMAFEST

Lukia Nakadama and other officials at the launch of JAMAFEST

JAMAFEST IS East Africa arts and cultural festival. The First festival was held in Kigali, Rwanda in 2013 while the second was in Nairobi Kenya in 2015. Third edition is scheduled for August 2017 in Kampala, Uganda.

Lukia Nakadama launching JAMAFEST today

Lukia Nakadama launching JAMAFEST today

“I take the honor to welcome all of you to this important function of launching the East African Art and Culture Fesitival in Kiswahili language it’s translated as Jumuiya Ya Afrika Mashariki Utamaduni Festival (JAMAFEST). The festival shall take place in Kampala in 2017. The government of Uganda and my Ministry in particular accords this festival the importance it deserves so the Ministry has prioritized it as one of the activities of the financial year 2016/2017.Ladies and gentlemen , the intentions of JAMAFEST are to provide a platform to showcase culture as a primary driver of regional integration and sustainable development, bring together East Africa practitioners and administrators to celebrate the rich and diverse cultural heritage as well as contemporary practice of East African, to provide space for inter cultural dialogue amongst the people of East Africa, foster economic development of the EAC through nurturing the growth of a strong creative and cultural industry sector and promote arts and culture as a tool in the celebration and branding of East Africa identity and image,” Lukia said.

Lukia Nakadama signs after launching JAMAFEST

Lukia Nakadama signs after launching JAMAFEST

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