Jain Samaj Uganda honours Great Child Foundation
A team from Jain Samaj Uganda over the weekend paid a visit to Great Child Foundation in Buwambo and shared with the needy children under the care of humanitarian Sheilah Maureen Kemigyisha.
Sheilah expressed her happiness at the visited and praised Jain Samaj for the good heart of remembering the poor.
“Over the weekend I and team were honoured by Jain Samaj Uganda, What a delight it was for all of us here at Great Child Foundation to learn that you included us in your programe. May the Lord reward you richly for remembering the poor and destitute with your bequest! Our children celebrated both #Dayof theAfricanchild and #Ididay Alihaludulilah we can’t thank you enough.. #Great Child Foundation #Route256Media #Allwhiteboatcruise30thJune,” Sheilah posted.