Frank K Tumwebaze awarded for his excellent work at ICT

Frank K Tumwebaze awarded for his excellent work at ICT

The Minister of ICT and National Guidance Hon. Frank Tumwebaze has been awarded for his excellent service at the Ministry of ICT and National Guidance.

In his tenure, an innovation fund was secured and this fund is given to innovative youth in all sectors of the economy for skills and economic empowerment against employment.

The Minister is also overseeing the ongoing construction of an ICT Hub at Nakawa.

The minister said he was honoured and happy to receive such recognition saying his wish is to innovation take over in Uganda.

“Glad to welcome H.E Houlin Zhao the Secretary-General of the International Telecommunication Union who was elected at the 2014 ITU Plenipotentiary Conference to our 20-year symposium of Uganda Communications Commission (UCC). ITU is specialized United Nations Agency for ICT services and technologies promotion, collaboration, and standardization. Congratulations to UCC board and Management & management and the its Executive Director Godfrey Mutabazi for guiding the sector to grow in leaps and bounds over the years. H.E Edward Ssekandi represented H.E Kaguta Museveni at the opening ceremony
I congratulate my predecessors RT HON Prime Minister Ruhakana Rugunda, Hon John Nasasira, Hon. Aggrey Awori and Hon Ham Mulira for their role in building a strong foundation for the ICT sector to build on. We are moving higher and higher because of your pioneering efforts. Thank you UCC and ED Mutabazi for the award. Always a pleasure for me to work with and & build strong institutional teams. Thank you,” Frank said.

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