First ever Banyankore Kweterana Festival to rock Uganda Museum
Grants and Projects Consult (U) Ltd, a registered company in Uganda is organizing the Banyankore Kweterana Event on 30th December, 2018 at the Uganda National Museum beginning at 9:00am to 11:00pm.
The Banyankore people are filled with candor, gracefulness, compassion, warmth and inclination to peace and progress.
The event is purely a social networking event for the people hailing from Ankole, their families, friends and well-wishers and those who wish to know and mingle with the Ankole identities.
The event will be attended by about 15,000 people and will be hallmarked by cultural foods, drinks, arts, performances, music and showcasing the Banyankore rising entertainment stars fused with the urban/modern gig.
People who will attend this event will experience multiple layers of Banyankore culture that will leave them gaping with wonder and pleasure.
The event will be characterized by vibrant and eventful unparalleled feast of music, dance, storytelling (okugana, okushakuza and okwevuga), theatre, film, and visual arts from renowned and upcoming artists from Ankole.

There will be competition for reading the Runyankore literature (empaka z’okushoma ebitabo by’orunyankore for both young and old such as the famous Kengero and Rutaro and Abagyenda Bareeba.
There will also be okwega engyesho, n’emicwe y’abanyankore in the fields such as;- enganda Z’Ankore, ethno-medicine, cosmetology, cultivated plants, foods, folklore, arts, crafts, traditional songs and dances, costumes, modeling and much more educative fun.
Children will also be treated to many plays such as okuzana embarasasa, okuguruka akacurabembe, omwesho, okwepena and many more.
People will be served with the Ankole traditional favorite dishes and cuisine such as eshabwe, kitaama, akaro k’omunyungu egoya, ekijamba ky’omunyungu, obushera bwentezo, ekitiribita (omufunguro), tonto and many others.
Exhibitions of the Banyankore items will characterize the event and this will truly become a highlight on Banyankore’s social and cultural calendar and will gradually develop into an important annual social and cultural event for the Banyankore in the Kampala Capital City as well as other cities and municipalities.
Grants and Projects Consult (U) Ltd has a wealth of expertise and experience in organizing such events and will coordinate with the relevant agencies to have a peaceful and memorable event.
Looking forward to enjoying this day with Banyankore and their well wishers..