Father Kibuuka you are finished!!
I was born in a Missionary Hospital (Villa Maria Hospital) my entire foundation rotates on the Catholic Church. The many values that I treasure are inherited in the Catholic teachings. So when I see the current rift between Father Jacinto Kibuuka and the Archbishop of Kampala Diocese Dr. Kizito Lwanga makes me wonder about the Priests of today. Like two years, I personally told Father Musala that he is what he was because of the Catholic Church and without the Catholic Church he is no body.

Fr Jacinto Kibuuka
Now when I see another Priest (Kibuuka) refusing to be transferred to another Parish Ggoli Parish he considers remote, it makes me wonder. No one is forced to become a Priest, it is a personal decision and the moment you choose to be a Priest, you have to serve as directed by your Bishop. The Catholic Church is like the Army. You don’t question the orders of the Commander in Chief. That’s why the Catholic Church has existed for over 2000 years and that’s why it is spread all over the years. The Pope’s word is final. Catholic Church is not a Parliament or a Senate where you sit and discuss deployment. It has its doctrines. So the day you decide to serve it, you have to go by its rules and regulations. I am not saying the Catholic Church is a Collection of Saints but it’s the only Religious institution on this Planet where Priests, Bishops etc have tribunals. That’s the only element that makes it unique unlike mushrooming Churches.

Archbishop Dr. Cyprian Kizito Lwanga
When a Pastor is involved in scandals, there is NO Tribunal that will reprimand him but with the Catholic Church it is different.
E.g The Pope can suspend any Bishop on this Planet and in Uganda; a Bishop can suspend any Priest. So I bet if Father Kibuuka will exist for 2 months without the Foundation of the Catholic Church.

Frank Gashumba
To me as a Catholic, it’s a duty and Obligation to defend my Church. It raised Me and I am what I am because of the Catholic Foundation.
Let Father Kibuuka show us a clause that he is the only Priest that can’t be transferred to another Parish and this business of Priests wanting to live in Cities. The church must fix it.

Pope Francis
To all Catholics we must pray for our Arch Diocese. I know they are using Media Houses to tarnish its image and I am reliably informed that individuals in the State are using Father Kibuka to confuse and disorganise the Catholic Church in Uganda as they have done to all other Churches but I can assure you that won’t happen. Let NRM continue disorganising Uganda but they should leave our Church alone.
Frank Gashumba
Sisimuka Uganda