Excitement as Victoria University visits South Sudan

Excitement as Victoria University visits South Sudan

The team at Victoria University received a warm welcome from South Sudan during the recently concluded education career fair in South Sudan from 3rd December – 7th December 2015 at Juba Regency hotel.

Victoria University was in Southern Sudan to get students

Victoria University was in Southern Sudan to get students

The fair was attended by Secondary School students, Parents, Guardians and government officials from South Sudan. The fair attendees were so excited as was visibly expressed in the different photos at the end of the fair.

The aim of the Education fair was to offer career guidance and first-hand information on Victoria University. The university had a number of presentations on different courses offered plus useful information the students need to study and live in Uganda in particular Kampala.

Victoria University's Charity Byarugaba  in Southern Sudan last weekend

Victoria University’s Charity Byarugaba in Southern Sudan last weekend

The peace in the country, security, location of the university, Expert lecturers ready to create global scholars, research based education among many other reasons were emphasized as reasons to join Victoria.

Each of the students and guardians that met Victoria University staff had a chance for one on one Career Guidance plus on spot admissions.

Victoria University getting ready to tap students from there

Victoria University getting ready to get students from there

The university’s marketing specialist Mrs Charity M Byarugaba while speaking on City FM had a chance to engage with many listeners and encouraged more students from South Sudan to join those already studying at Victoria. She emphasized that the university offers quality education to students from Uganda and the rest of the world like USA plus many African countries like Kenya, Rwanda, Nigeria, South Africa, Ghana, Cameroon, Gambia to mention but a few.

This therefore prepares the students for competition globally .As a university she mentioned that Victoria offers the students a great learning atmosphere with state of the art facilities, well stocked library, Wi-Fi in a fully stocked computer lab.

The central location makes accessibility to school and the entire city very key, this makes the learning environment conducive for the students. While answering questions from listeners and those that attended the different presentations she talked about the free laptops each student gets plus the internship proudly highlighting the internship and work placements which have led to students getting employment even before they finish university.

Lastly Mrs Byarugaba plus her team gave all attendees goodies from Victoria University and encouraged those that attended the fair to follow Victoria University on twitter @vukampala , like the university on facebook: victoria university kampala uganda and visit the website on www.vu.ac.ug.

The team appreciated the hospitality from South Sudan education officials, different delegates from government and emphasized that they are happy to collaborate and open Victoria University to all nationals come January –February 2016 for the intake.

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