Denmark biggest kids modeling agency signs Brenda’s kid

Denmark biggest kids modeling agency signs Brenda’s kid

Scribe Brenda Eunice Mukiibi is full of smiles and excitement after her kid Jasmine, 18months, was signed by Denmark’s biggest Kids model Agency. Party girl Brenda revealed this over the weekend on her social media page that Yongsta Kids Model Agency has signed her daughter.


On top of the above, she has also been booked for Zara Cloth Company in Denmark for next year’s kid’s summer collection. Things are getting better day by day for Brenda and this comes weeks after she scooped a job with United Nations Sustainable Development Goals as a Communications and Social Media Coordinator.


“A big toast to my 18 months old Jasmine who just got signed up in one of Denmark’s biggest kids model Agency. Me and her shall always fight for what we want,” Brenda said.


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