Bebe Cool Celebrates Awards On Zuena’s Thighs

Bebe Cool Celebrates Awards On Zuena’s Thighs

When he sang Kokodiosis.. Tomalira Budde, little did Ugandans think that Taata Alpha Thierry would effect the song’s meaning s after grabbing six gongs at HiPipo Music Awards.Bebe Cool kissing Zuena's  thigh last night Bebe Cool kissing Zuena’s thigh last night

We are sure Bebe Cool’s hormones didn’t waste any time as he stormed Venom Beach Bar on Sunday in the company of his wife Zuena Kirema.

He celebrated by kissing her yellow thighs at crack of dawn as she screamed and smiled to him. The singer surely had a weekend to remember!

Meanwhile the singer has shot video for his new track ‘Nyonyi Nkezze’. The video exerted on over the weekend is set to be officially released soon.

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