Steven Keddi gives an insight into his Keddi Foundation activities

Steven Keddi gives an insight into his Keddi Foundation activities

During a live Facebook address, Hon. Steven Keddi, the founder of Keddi Foundation said they have been able to move and help very many lives. He said they have traversed and helped humanity all over the country.

He said the foundation is looking to support those who are much in need.

Unlimited Internet - Uganda

SACCOS of people who are better off, we don’t support those; they can manage on their own.

In December, Keddi Foundation was at Nakaloki Centre Mosque. Hon. Steven Keddi said he was happy they were there to help build the second-biggest mosque in Nakaloki in Mbale district.

Keddi said today he employs over 200 youth. “I was once useless, but today I support very many people. This can be you someday. Change your mindset and things will change for you”, he said.

Mr Keddi added: Your mindset is very important. When an opportunity comes you must use it. You might be broke today but change your mindset. Things will start changing when you change your mindset. Today you might be poor, but tomorrow you could become a billionaire, just like me.

“Let no one despise you. People may walk away from you, but one day they may want to come back. You might not have hope and people despise you; don’t give up. God is watching you and he is about to make you great”.

He added that disability is not inability. He said at Keddi Foundation say you can be disabled and still very able – we shall work with you. He called upon all their sponsors and donors to come and we help disabled people all over the world.

He said that on 20th February will be his birthday and through his foundation, they shall do very many great things.

“The billionaires I have been talking about will be coming. Those who want to celebrate with me, the function will be in Butebo in Nabuswata village in Pallisa District. All the billionaires will be there,” he added.

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