Pictorial: Stunning social media photos unleashed
With a few or no social events at the moment, Fashionistas, celebrities and slay queens have resorted to social media to share their mesmerizing photos.
Today we bring some of the poses that have been shared on social media platforms.
Fashionistas such as Debie Kagisha, Mwaj Ahmed, Yolo The Queen, Lydia Jazmine, Doreen Kabareebe, Maureen Nantume, Dianah Nabatanzi, Zari Hassan, Nkurunziza Aggy, Nelly Kamwelu, Victoria Kimani, Cindy Sanyu, Tinah Teise, Gloriah Tashkim, Shan Keeza, Asma Uwase, Typher Kavuma, Keza Terisky and many others have shared some smashing photos. Check them out here!!!
TAGS Asma UwaseCindy SanyuDebie KagishaDianah NabatanziDoreen KabareebeGloriah TashkimKeza TeriskyLydia JazmineMaureen NantumeMwaj AhmedNelly KamweluNkurunziza AggyShan KeezaTinah TeiseTypher KavumaVictoria KimaniYolo The QueenZari Hassan