Nina Mirembe cracks Middle-East modeling deal

Nina Mirembe cracks Middle-East modeling deal

Ugandan fashion celebrity model Nina Mirembe has worked her way up to the international stage recently. She was spotted modeling in Middle East for the Turkish giant LC Waikiki with over 500 stores around the world and British/Omani boutique Totem.

Nina Mirembe during her photoshoot in the Middle East

Nina Mirembe during her photoshoot in the Middle East

Nina’s successful month of September has also been celebrated by the prestigious nomination as East African Model of the Year 2015 by the Abryanz Collection Awards. [adrotate banner=”3″] You can support Nina’s brilliant career by sharing on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram the following hashtags: #EAM_7 #NominateNinaMirembe #Asfa2015 #AsfaHappeningAgain.

Nina modeled for Turkish giants LC Waikiki

Nina modeled for Turkish giants LC Waikiki

Just like Aamito Stacie Lagum, Nina Mirembe’s modeling career is on the ladder up. We hope for the bigger things from her and we wish to congratulate for keeping Ugandan flag high.

Nina poses with some kids in the Middle East

Nina poses with some kids in the Middle East

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