My Speech at Dinner for persons with albinism – Carol Flower
By Carol Flower
In 2016, instead of celebrating my birthday the flashy way, I resolved that I would give back to God and put a smile on His creation.
Soon after that, I saw a lady on the street begging, aided by a microphone. She was surrounded by people of all ages with tumors. I later learnt that she looks after these people, under her Jaja Eseza foundation.
Feeling convicted, I reached out to friends, family and my social media followers. They responded overwhelmingly and together we went and donated money and items to this disadvantaged group.
Last year(2017), because of our interactions with people living with #albinism as NTV, I felt deeply convicted yet again. I felt that this is another of those causes that hasn’t been given much attention, just like the one of the tumors.
I decided that I would use my platform as a voice for these virtually voiceless people.
I got in touch with a remarkable gentleman named Peter Ogik and when I heard about what people living with albinism go through, I pledged to Peter that I would find a way to raise awareness about people living with #albinism. I vowed to raise money so that he no longer has to house the dozens of albinos that have sought refuge in his small shelter because they have been descriminated from society. I vowed to raise money so that 3 acres of land can be acquired for not just these people but also the hundreds that are going through these things.
I’ve heard terrible stories first hand whenever I visit these people in Jinja. I’ve heard stories of babies being abandoned by their mothers, I’ve heard stories of ladies being abandoned by their husbands because they refused to abandon their babies, I’ve heard rape victims whose cases were dismissed by police who laughed and said ‘The men just wanted to taste a person with ‘albinism’ This particular lady had been raped by 3 men. Mothers have lost children to skin related diseases and yet they’ve still had to watchover their graves because the body parts of albinos are in demand. I’ve listened to harrowing tales and I asked myself who am I not to do something.
Personally I stand on the shoulders of people that assisted me, some of whom didn’t even know me. AVSI held my hand and ensured that my primary school education was paid for. My education was paid for by sponsors in Italy that I’ve never even met. When I joined high school, Mr. Thomas and Justina Stroh took the reins and took care of my school tuition.
I stand here because of the assistance of so many strangers, friends and relatives, including my parents who were living in Europe most of the time. So many people helped me that I’m unable to mention them all. The point is, one person was helped once and I’ll dedicate the rest of my life ensuring that I help hundreds and thousands more, with the resources I have.
Because what more do I need when I have such generous networks.
Thank you all for making this dream a reality. Thank you all for helping people living with #albinism.
God bless you all