Meet Natie K, Kampala’s queen of hips!!
Hipscious Natie K ‘kills’ Kampala men softly with her hips
If you’ve been around flocking Kampala social life for some time, you know of my fond affection if not insatiable lust for the queen of hips hottie socialite that is Hipscious Natiek K.
Hipscious Natie K is the Kampala’s hips queen
A male friend admirer said, “Natie K is no doubt Kampala’s queen of hips, but I care not. I mean, I am obviously jealous and wish it were me in these hips every night that begin with lots of successful making of the sexy”.
Natie K is Kampala’s most lusted after socialite
But the bigger point is, Natie K is crazy hiptastic and she likes to share her wealth of hips with her social media followers like she did today.

Hipscious Natie K
In this new bikini photoshoot, Natie shows off why she called herself Hipscious in catalog form her stellar hips as if descended from heaven for the specific purpose of pimping tiny bits of clothing.
This guy almost died of Natie’s hips
Her lust inducing powers certainly put me in the frame of mind to be thanking some higher power. Women like Natie K are all nature, not nurture. So, thank you Mother Nature. I never forget who did the hard work. Enjoy.
Hipscious Natie K is well endowed down there