Lisa Mandy Shows Off Dazzling Body

Lisa Mandy Shows Off Dazzling Body

By popular demand, Lisa Mandy is now an official member of the Showbiz Uganda family. I feel like it was just this morning that we saw Lisa at the beach in a bikini with her friends. Probably because we did. You know how popular demand goes. I cower to it at all opportunities.11755842_10153409577054566_8507104677125648349_nHence, even more sweet visuals of this still quite innocent celebrity. I wouldn’t wish it on anybody except for those incredibly hot girls who we sort of rely on to take it up and fill out peeps with epic moments.

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The former Ugandan super model may have shined in the days when there was no Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and when publicity for models was still limited but that hasn’t stopped her from flaunting her hot body on social media even when she is no longer a model.11057267_10153409881519566_825791848362185879_nWith the current situation, she has the chance to show us what we missed by displaying her hot body while she was holidaying at Oland island in Finland. The Helsinki based model looks like she in her early 20s and for surely she is has the body to strut around. How we wish there was social media during her time. Here are words that accompanied the hot pictures posted on her instagram.11209544_10153409465919566_4913148111791723836_n“Summer is loading……….::current situation. ‘Kapintos’ Ugandans know what it is ????????????guess my bikini too small for that cake cake. Self love is the cure to self hate…live love life”.
This is a solid start. Enjoy.

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