‘I have nothing to do with politics, I want to end poverty in Uganda’- Bryan White

‘I have nothing to do with politics, I want to end poverty in Uganda’- Bryan White

Bryan White Foundation boss, Bryan White has once again insisted that he doesn’t intend to join politics. Addressing people of Arua, Bryan White said he started Bryan White Foundation to end poverty in Uganda. “I am just a humanitarian who has a good heart of giving and sharing, am not affiliated to any political and I don’t intend to join politics,” Bryan White said.

“There are very many rich guys around and who have a lot of money but only a few have a giving heart and want everyone to be like them. I am not a politician neither do I intend to join politics at whatever cost. I started Bryan White Foundation to leave a legacy behind. I want to help the youth and instill hope in them again. The young generation has lost hope, they need to be hopeful again and I want to change their mindset. #AwakeningTheYouthgsFromPoverty,” Bryan White said.

Unlimited Internet - Uganda

Meanwhile Bryan white foundation team has offloaded the goodies meant to be given to people of Arua. The foundation team and their boss Bryan White are currently camped in Arua under the theme awakening the youths from poverty.

The goodies will be given to special interest groups such as patients at hospitals, schools, disabled and other needy people.

Bryan White Foundation (BWF) is currently camped in Arua district with a mission of end poverty in the area.

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