Blu Ice Lounge to host first ever Koroga festival

Blu Ice Lounge to host first ever Koroga festival

The first ever Koroga Festival will be hosted this Saturday at Blu Ice Lounge and Car wash Naalya. The event’s organisers have told this website that its going to the most entertaining and fun filled day.

Blu Ice will be on fire this Saturday

Blu Ice will be on fire this Saturday

“The event first of its kind in Kampala with start at 11am and will people form teams and cook as the revellers drink and buy from their stalls. Then at 6pm still the revellers will decide the meal that tasted best and that group shall be awarded a certificate and some kitchen ware. Be there,” Sharon O said. For more information visit the Koroga Festival Facebook page.

Sharon O said the event win fun filled and exciting

Sharon O said the event win fun filled and exciting

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