2026 Updates: Senior counsel Agnes Wazemwa Wabuyi lays out development plan as vies for Bungokho South MP seat

2026 Updates: Senior counsel Agnes Wazemwa Wabuyi lays out development plan as vies for Bungokho South MP seat

As the 2026 general elections get closer, intending candidates have hit the ground running mobilising for support ahead of the battles on the ballots.

Latest on our desk is Ms Agnes Wazemwa Wabuyi who has announced her intentions to contest for Bungokho South constituency in Mbale District.

The senior counsel will be the first female candidate to contest as the Member of Parliament (MP) for Bungokho South after 30 years under male leadership.

Agnes Wazemwa Wabuyi wants Bungokho South MP seat come 2026

She told this website that enough is enough and that time is now for the females to take charge and drive the constituency forward.

What Agnes is planning to do??

Once elected, Hon. Agnes Wazemwa has a good plan for Bungokho South and this what she wants to do;

She will focus more on transforming livelihood through empowering the people to embrace job creation.

Ms Agnes will assist her people by bringing in friends who can train them on handwork that is economically viable, for example, commercial tailoring, shoe manufacturing, cakes and cookes, commercial farming like poultry, piggery and goat rearing.

Bungokho South has a big water challenge and on this, Hon. Agnes will construct some spring wells where there are springs and solar pumped water in some areas.

Constituents survive on small scale agriculture and on that, she plans to lobby from the Ministry of Agriculture to enroll some of her voters in the grow program where farmers are assisted to get solar pumped water in their gardens.

She will also lobby to get at least 3 tractors to be shared by the 6 Sub-Counties that form the constituency. This will help people change their form of agriculture and will be able to get both food for commercial and home consumption.

Some parts of the constituency have a poor road terrain that makes it hard to access hospitals in cases of emergencies on a motorcycle, which is the common means of transport used and to solve this, she will secure an ambulance in her first term of office as an MP.

She wants to also lobby for electricity, safe and clean water, rehabilitation and construction of roads as well as more health centres.

That is Agnes’ ambitious plan for Bungokho South constituency, please support her.

Are you going to contest in 2026, send us your details on WhatsApp on +2567827755044

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