Sheilah Gashumba on why God’s Plan is a better man
Sheilah Gashumba has revealed that her boyfriend Marcus Gods Plan is the best man any woman would wish to have. Below is what make her think so;
Sheilah Gashumba; Marcus aka Gods Plan once told me ‘Sheilah, I don’t regret going to prison because with the crimes and gangs in London at that time, I would have been dead right now if I continued with that life. Prison calmed me down, it made me reflect on life and made me a better man. It also made me learn to make better life decisions’
There is nothing as beautiful as a man who acknowledges his mistakes with soo much honesty!
That’s when I knew that someone’s Past is just a story, it’s only a lesson not a life sentence. It doesn’t matter where you come from, what you used to do in your past, WHAT MATTERS IS WHERE YOUR LIFE IS HEADING NOW!!!
This man right here is the best son anyone can have, the best brother, the best father to his children, the best friend anyone can have and the best boyfriend any girl would wish to have!! I don’t regret choosing you.
Always let go of the past but keep lessons that it taught you!