Winnie Byanyima named among top Climate Champions
As we count down to the Paris Climate Summit, a Ugandan, Oxfam International’s current Executive Director, Winnie Karagwa Byanyima, has been named one of top 15 Climate Champions!
Extract from article written by Maria Ivanova – Associate Professor for Global Governance- for The Conversation:
Winnie Byanyima
At the intersection of climate and women’s rights, a former Ugandan aeronautical engineer and current director of Oxfam International, Winnie Byanyima, co-founded the Global Gender and Climate Alliance.
The Alliance integrates gender concerns into the climate change negotiation process, monitors progress and promotes financial mechanisms and training opportunities equal for men and women.
As co-chair of the World Economic Forum in 2015, Winnie Byanyima pushed for action on climate, for closing the wealth gap and eliminating tax loopholes, and even for creating a global tax organization.

“We have international organizations for health, trade and football, even for coffee, but not tax. Why not?” she exclaimed in an interview with The Globe and Mail.