What you need to know about NWSC Sewer Services
Every time a toilet is flushed, no one really cares where it ends up but if left untended to, that flush could lead to serious health issues. That is where NWSC’s Sewerage Services Department (SSD) comes in. The Sewerage Services Department under Kampala Water (KW) is responsible for operation and maintenance of the sewerage network, treatment plants as well as making new sewer connections and/or extensions in Kampala.
The SSD currently operates two Sewage Treatment Plants (STP) in Bugolobi and Lubigi; the former being a conventional treatment plant while the latter is based on Waste Stabilization Ponds (WSP).
The Lubigi STP has a combined capacity to treat 5,400m3 (5.4 million) wastewater a day. It receives and treats wastewater from the piped network as well as faecal sludge that is brought by private cesspool emptier trucks. The Lubigi catchment area consists of Makerere, Katanga, parts of Mulago, Kalerwe, Bwaise and areas along the northern by-pass. In order to ensure compliance to quality of discharge, the Lubigi STP has a fully equipped sewage laboratory that is responsible for quality monitoring at the various stages of treatment as well as the discharge point at all sewage treatment plants.
The Bugolobi STP on the other hand, has a capacity to treat 33,000m3 of wastewater a day and receives piped sewage mainly from the central business district extending to parts of Old Kampala, Mengo, Katwe, Nsambya, Kibuli, Mbuya, Nakawa, Naguru, Bukoto and Kamwokya.

In addition to these, National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC) also operates and maintains satellite Waste Stabilisation Ponds in Bugolobi, Naalya estates and Ntinda Ministers’ village. These areas have their separate sewer networks which collect sewage from the various premises.
There are also several sewer network expansion and rehabilitation projects under the Kampala Sanitation Program that are on-going within Kinawataka and Nakivubo catchments. These are in line with the Strategic Direction 2013-2018 which seeks to increase sewerage coverage. In addition, a new treatment plant is under construction in Bugolobi and Kinawataka geared towards improving treatment efficiency and capacity of the existing plant. This will consequently improve the quality of Nakivubo channel, Lake Victoria inner Murchison bay and the environment in general.
As part of efforts to subsidize the cost of connecting to a sewer line, NWSC put in place a New Sewer Connection Policy which offers free materials and labour within 50m of an existing sewer line.