We appreciate God’s creation of Zed Evas
Zed Evas has that girl’s next door look if you’re fortunate enough to live next door to a hottie with a killer body and naughty looking eyes. Well, the eyes aren’t naughty, it’s the brain they lead to. It’s just a feeling you get when you leer deep into the hot body of some women who are less than obvious about their sextastic appeal. Some do seem rather adventurous.

Zed Evas
Zed Evas brought men down to their pants as she attended the glamorous event ‘Blankets and Wine’ at Uganda Museum on Easter Sunday. Evas takes the guise of the sophisticated alluring young cocktail party vixen, baring just enough skin to make you three steps beyond interested. Dropping the clothes altogether wouldn’t be measured in steps so much as running blocks. Zed Evas is under-appreciated in the passion inducing department. She is probably the goddess of Kampala. Enjoy.