UWA contributes Ugx2m as burial expense for Elephant attack victim

UWA contributes Ugx2m as burial expense for Elephant attack victim

The Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) has contributed 2million shillings towards the burial expenses of the catechist of Bombay Catholic Chapel in Kamdini, Oyam, Boniface Omara who was down trodden by elephants as he bicycled to his garden at Onea, Juma parish, Kamdini on Wednesday afternoon.

UWA Karumah chief warden, Chemutai Wilfred says they are deeply saddened and regret the unfortunate incident, adding that they are doing all it takes to avoid recurrence.

Unlimited Internet - Uganda

Neighbouring communities will be sensitised on animal behavior, so that even in an unfortunate occasion that they stray out of Murchison Falls NGP, they leave as bad neighbours but without causing human casualties.

The catechist will be buried tomorrow Friday and may his soul RIP..

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