UNRA’s statement on flooding along the Tirinyi – Mbale Highway

UNRA’s statement on flooding along the Tirinyi – Mbale Highway

The Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA) informs the public that following a heavy downpour on Monday April 17th on the Nakalama—Tirinyi – Mbale Highway, three of the diversions previously created by the contractor to enable ongoing rehabilitation works were washed away and made impassable for motorists.

Here are quick notes for your information;

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  • The first diversion which had been created at Km53 was completely flooded and by 9pm of Monday April 17th, the diversion had become too slippery for traffic to flow freely and the contractor is preparing to carry out emergency works to restore it to a motorable state.
  • At about the same time, the diversion at Km57 was partly washed away and submerged by water. As a means of ensuring safety, Traffic Police stationed at Tirinyi began to advise vehicles to divert to an alternative route. However, one truck driver did not adhere to the advice and on arrival at the submerged area, the truck over-turned. Police was then called to the scene for rescue and to avert the usual rush to loot fuel by the locals.
  • The third and final diversion at Km77 was completely washed away along with the main culvert.
  • As such, Traffic Police has taken over control of the affected areas along with our teams and the contractor. All heavy vehicles have been diverted to the Tirinyi – Pallisa – Kamonkoli route, while safe passage has been created for smaller vehicles along the Nakalama—Tirinyi—Mbale road.

In the meantime, the contractor along with our team is working round the clock to ensure the road is reinstated and opened to traffic within 24 hours.


For any more enquiries please reach the Public and Corporate Affairs Division on Telephone numbers; +256 414 318 106/107 +256 772 517 118, +256 782 597 517 Or call our Toll free lines 0800 100 811/812


Km 57+460 (where fuel tanker fell on the RHS diversion).  Vehicles are now using the main road.


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