#UgandaDecides2021: Kazo District Woman MP contest review

#UgandaDecides2021: Kazo District Woman MP contest review

By Bunnet A. Ayorekire

First things first; let me take this opportunity to thank the Almighty Father for He has this far brought us safe irrespective of the stiff political atmosphere — not only in Kazo as a new district, but entirely in Uganda as a whole. We humbly give the glory back to Him. Furthermore, with a benevolent kind of a prerequisite appreciation, I extend my darling thanks to all the contestants in this tussle, their ardent supporters, agents and die-hards at large. Without us, the aspirants wouldn’t have any vigour to do what they are profusely entailed in now —campaigning. We are the reason they are there.

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Not intending to be too wordy to review this candidature for the Woman MP seat in Kazo district, allow me express my explicit analysis — which any human that can read and understand English, is unmuzzled to critic, in good faith. I will at least not in any way sound personal while articulating this writeup. Let’s roll:

1. Merab Kyamazima

Being renowned as a health personnel, and being in politics for so long, Kyamaziima has proved her way to contest for this position of Woman MP for the second time, whilst formerly when it was Kiruhura and not Kazo. This gives her chance and courage to be popular and letting many as her die-hards wish to rally behind her when voting day comes. Bold as she undoubtedly looks to be, she has been a good debator in the conducted debates by both Radio Kazo FM and Eiraka Radio (Rwenzori FM). However, it’s at parliament that one has to proficiently express themselves in the foreign language (English) than they do in Runyankore or any other mother language. I have a feeling, that this kind of debate in English was vital for us elites to inquisitively scrutinize who can best represent us. Moderators, Innit?

2. Leonida Sanyu

Astonishingly, Madam Leonida lately joined the race and is gradually winning some people’s hearts. I repeat, she’s surprisingly winning people’s hearts courtesy of her campaigning strategy, where she has resorted to sectarianism while asking for mandates. This has won her support to some indigenous/locals who find that kind of campaigning worthy and not petty. More so, she’s Catholic; this gives her greater chance comparatively to win many hearts of her ‘religionmates’. While debating, she candidly lacks the charisma and substantial points to raise that would win any genuine voter’s heart.

3. Maureen Karubanga

The senior Journalist from the Vision Group, Mrs. Maureen is one eloquent speaker that has been subsquently witnessed uttering out Kazo people’s interests in a profound manner. However, as she could be fit for the position she’s aspiring for, her publicity lags kinda, in comparison to her fellow contestants in particular. The reason she’s not very popular is best known to her agents, cordinators, supporters and probably her to be precise. Godspeed.

4. Ann Ruyondo Lumumba

As of now, the aspirant Madam Ann Lumumba is becoming a threat in this race courtesy of the backup she recently got from some big and influencial people (I won’t disclose them), and this is creating a huge impression among the ‘wanainchi’ that she might win this vote. I believe the power goes back to the voters in Kazo not the influencial people, unless otherwise. With much honesty though, when it comes to debates, she was quite unenthralling to win many elites hearts. We could perhaps excuse her for her younger age that she can with time, pull up her socks, for it’s very tight at Parliament. No Jokes. Furthermore, the sympathy of her father’s legacy, the late Lumumba has patently garnered her what any intellectual would regard sympathy vote. The instinctual flaws are ignored.

Ann Ruyondo

5. Molly Nawe Kamukama

The one and only Minister in this race, Mrs. Molly Nawe is disappointingly facing hardships to penetrate the common man’s heart. She has done what’s tremendous by facilitating the construction of roads, escalating many people’s dams and contributing to many organisations in Kazo district. Her former position as PPS not only pushed her to this kind of hatred, but earned her more enemies than friends. She’s undoubtedly thought to be the richest in this race, as she’s witnessed splashing money every other day that goes by. Anyone would probably be wrong to judge this unprecedented day when we know that many Africans are not just moved by the great ideas — but their stomachs. She’s a great threat in this race, too. Keenly watch the space.

6. Ronah Ruranga

Suavely describing herself as ‘Kanyonza’, ‘Omu Bwati’, Madam Ronah is not only a threat for her combativeness, but the youngest of all in this race. Formerly a Guild President at Nkumba University, Ronah has gained outstanding skills while on her journey soliciting mandates from people. To hit the nail straight and get rid of any sort of insinuation, she’s very popular among youths and vibrant in her speeches. Her leadership background has highlighted many thinking she could be the right choice for Kazo district Woman MP. Astoundingly different from the wealthy fellows in this race, many have resorted to blackmailing her; but it has apparently not weakened her support but strengthened it. Utterly passionate for leadership and aptly a great speaker.

7. Hope Mbabazi Kajinja

The noble lady verily renowned of her tremendous deeds like impacting knowledge through offering bursaries, enhancing girl child education, ’emyoga’ and curbing unemployment by taking a substantial number of girls/ladies abroad, Madam Hope, is to be venerated courtesy of her genuine support. Her being to have aspired earlier along when it was still Kiruhura, but was advised to step down for the incumbent in anticipation of the new district, Kazo, not only gave her publicity but has been kept in our eyes, due to her various projects she implemented since 2017. If the elections were freely and fairly conducted, she would surprise many; not forgetting that she’s thrillingly the overall best debator, excluding that of Radio 5, where segregation was excruciatingly at the brim. Jejune!

8. Jennifer Rwaburibate Muheesi

The wife to the General as she oftentimes describes herself, Madam Jennifer, is a kind whose ‘hoe strategy’ has not only pushed her publicity but also won many farmers’ hearts, especially those who have received the hoe yet. Assertive as she looks/talks, she’s not only among those in the lead, but a threat, too. Keenly following her campaigns, one would plausibly be wrong to say she is losing the vote, still very wrong to say she’s winning; for in Africa, the votes can change with in mere hours — not even a day. I will surely be mean, if I don’t mention of her boreholes project she has promised people once mandated. We look on.


The writer is a Freelance Journalist. Email: talk2bunnet@gmail.com or call him on: +256756949655.

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