Uganda Breweries Trains Boda Boda Cyclists on Road Safety
Port Bell: As part of their safety agenda, Uganda Breweries Limited has today trained motor cyclists commonly known as Boda Boda riders in road safety awareness.
The training program conducted at the brewery in Luzira saw over 50 boda boda cyclists from the boda stages in Luzira receive training on road safety practices and given measures that will help keep them, their passengers and other road users safe on the road.
The safety training is part of a celebration to mark seven and twelve years of “No Lost Time Accident” at Uganda Breweries Limited and its spirits plant; International Distillers Uganda respectively.
An LTA (Lost Time Accident) is a type of accident that causes an employee to skip work for a day or more to pursue treatment. These kinds of accidents are common in places where heavy machinery is operated such as a brewery.
On average, Uganda loses 10 people every day in road traffic crashes, a 2018 UN road safety report on Uganda shows, costing the country $1.2 billion (about sh.4.4 trillion) annually.
According to the Uganda Police, over 50 percent of road accidents are caused due to boda bodas, with the highest numbers registered in urban centres like Kampala.
“We decided to carry out this training because road safety is an issue that affects all of us. As Uganda Breweries, we are firmly committed to ensuring that everybody that comes to our site goes home safe and we want to share these values with our community.” Joseph Kabwaama the UBL’s Health and Safety Manager said.
He added that they had started the campaign by training cyclists in Luzira because most of the UBL staff stay in the area and use boda bodas as a means of transport.
“We shall have more road safety awareness engagements around the country to increase road safety awareness and to help change boda boda cyclists attitude and behavior on the road, thereby indoctrinating a road safety culture among them.” Kabwaamaadded.
The boda boda cyclists who attended the training were urged to uphold safe practices and measures while using the road to ensure their own safety and that of their passengers.
They were also given safety gear that included helmets and reflector jacket and urged to always use the safety gear as it protects them from the dangers you face on the road daily.