Uganda Breweries Donates Hand Washing Units to Communities in Luzira and Port Bell

Uganda Breweries Donates Hand Washing Units to Communities in Luzira and Port Bell

Port Bell: Uganda Breweries Limited has donated over 200 hand washing units to the communities of Luzira and Port Bell and over 800 face masks to Local Council leaders to promote public hygiene in the fight against COVID-19.

The Donation was handed over by Juliana Kagwa the UBL corporate Relations Director to the Luzira LC 3 Chairman, Willy Turinawe in the presence of various Chairpersons from Port Bell and Luzira.

Unlimited Internet - Uganda

In view of the current situation created by the Corona Virus pandemic in Uganda and around the world, there is nothing more important than following preventive measures such as frequent hand washing, wearing a mask and social distancing. The hand washing units we have donated will be put in high traffic areas like markets and health centers in Luzira and Port Bell, to promote handwashing thus controlling infection in these frequently visited zones.” Kagwa said.

“Uganda Breweries’ commitment to supporting the communities where we do business knows no boundaries. We know our business can only thrive in a healthy environment, which is why our investment in the health and safety of the people in our community always takes priority. We are, because of the loyalty and continued support from our people,“Kagwa added.

Turinawe expressed his gratitude to Uganda Breweries Limited for their contribution towards protecting the health of the residents of Port bell and Luzira.

He urged the members of the community to continue following Ministry of Health Standard Operating Procedures most especially wearing masks and hand washing with soap since they are the first line of defense against COVID-19, and vital to preventing the spread of many other diseases.

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