UBL champions safety at work place

UBL champions safety at work place

Uganda Breweries Limited (UBL) and International Distillers Uganda (IDU) sites this week celebrate 4 and 9 years of “No Lost Time Accident” (LTA), a milestone they made on the 8th and 20th September, 2016 respectively.

Shane Healy, Supply Chain Director Uganda Breweries (C) expains to the media what the Safety Week is about during a Press Conference at UBL home in Luzira

Shane Healy, Supply Chain Director Uganda Breweries (C) explains to the media what the Safety Week is about during a Press Conference at UBL home in Luzira

According to Uganda Breweries, an LTA is a type of accident that will cause a member of the workforce to skip work for a day to pursue treatment. These kinds of accidents are common place in plants where heavy machinery is operated.

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As part of the celebration, UBL has launched a safety campaign themed, “I AM WORKING SAFE EVERYDAY,” to create awareness, sensitize and zero down accidents in the workplace.

Ronadley Miti, The Uganda Breweries safety manager (Red jacket) giving media persons a plant tour of the Brewery

Ronadley Miti, The Uganda Breweries safety manager (Red jacket) giving media persons a plant tour of the Brewery

Ronadley Miti, The Uganda Breweries safety manager’s point is that at a company with several thousands of workers, odds are good that an employee would suffer a fatal workplace injury but at UBL, safety is a core value.

He added,” Choosing to work safely is the single most important job we all have to do – every task and every shift. I am immensely proud of our employees for achieving this impressive safety milestone, “Miti relayed during a Press conference at Uganda Breweries Limited.


UBL operates two plants in Uganda – a beer and a spirit’s plan, both of which employ an estimated 28,000 people through its supply value chain. As an end to end business, the company is involved in the process of sourcing materials through to manufacturing and to distribution of renowned brands including Bell Lager, Pilsner Lager, Senator Stout and Uganda Waragi.

Workers don’t have to die in order to effectively deliver their job obligations. While a lack of workplace fatalities does not equate to a safe workplace, the existence of fatalities often does correlate with safety failures.


Every responsible employer strives for a safe working environment for employees. But many don’t take that next step, to strive for true safety leadership. Perhaps they think that building a world-class safety culture is out of their reach.

Shane Healy, Supply Chain Director Uganda Breweries said the ability to create a world-class safety culture exists for every business, in every industry.

He added, “Humans interact closely with heavy machinery and hazardous substances, making safety of paramount importance to the well-being of our employees and the health of the business.”


Some of the activities for the safety week will include Safety and Health Awareness sessions (Road safety, Health living, ergonomics, Fire drills (day &night) and testing of emergency procedure as well as better Driver (Defensive driving) awareness and a Health Camp (Lung-function test, Audiometry, Cancer Screening (PSA, HPV, Breast Cancer), education, BMI, Nutrition, Fitness, vitals medical checkup, Diabetes and hypertension).

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