‘Stop politics of polarization’ – Frank K Tumwebaze
The Minister of ICT and National Guidance Hon. Frank K Tumwebaze has urged the general public to politics of divisionism which he said they deny issues objective interrogation on open discussion. The Minister was responding to feedback about his view on Makerere University latest standoff with lecturers.

Frank Tumwebaze has advised against politics of division
“Thank you all friends for your feedback comments on my Post on Makerere. I appreciate them. Let’s always not get lost in politics of polarisation and we deny issues the objective interrogation they deserve in these citizen platforms of open discussion. This is how and where all of us get a chance to shape policy. I am happy many of you were candid and trying to look for solutions.
Managing a university in my view has two layers. There is the layer of academics and the associated quality control rigorous procedures. It entails a whole range of academic programs like Investment in research and human resource so as not to compromise the integrity of the institution and its products. Here you certainly need academicians with requisite qualifications to manage this layer. The other layer is the institution’s administration and operations. This on the other hand entails Looking at welfare of staff and students, planning for the recurrent bills and development (infrastructure) just like any finance and admin of any institution is run. There is no rocket science here, it’s all about adhering to the known principles of corporate governance. It’s therefore my strong considered opinion that Makerere and other public universities should have that two layered system of governance. Administrators do administration and academicians quality assure and maintain standards. Mixing the two, seems to threaten the academic integrity. The driving force becomes money and the need to save more money as opposed to remaining top as academic giants. I don’t know but these are my views,” Frank Tumwebaze.