Stanbic Bank launches an exciting educative competition for Secondary Schools
Stanbic Bank is pleased to launch this new exciting national competition for secondary schools in Uganda to encourage students to sharpen their critical thinking, while enhancing problem-solving skills and fostering lifelong friendships amongst the competitors.
Education is one of our key focus areas for Stanbic Bank Corporate Social Investment focus areas. Because we recognise that its importance in stimulating faster economic growth. This national Schools competition is aimed at inspiring excellence among secondary students by creating a platform that can help them to develop positive attitudes, values and coping skills which subsequently prepares them for greater responsibilities in the future.
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The youth today are faced with many challenges especially in the face of an increasingly complex world so we hope that this investment will develop skills through which the youth can apply their energies productively.
The competition is also aimed at offering participants with a platform through which they can interact, share experiences having come from different parts of the country and appreciate their differences in terms of culture and tradition in addition enabling them get basic knowledge on basic money matter management. [adrotate banner=”3″]
The competition will involve approximately 3,000 students, representing an estimated 60 secondary schools selected from across all the Regions in Uganda. It will start at regions and winners will then compete in the national championship. We have put in place various prizes for the winning teams with the grand prize being a fully equipped school computer lab. We therefore encourage students in the selected schools to and all Ugandans to view the program on the different Channels of that will be Telecasting the Championships. Stanbic Bank will continue transforming lives through such initiatives for a better Uganda.

What Is Stanbic?
Stanbic Bank Uganda, SBU, is a member of the Standard Bank Group, an international financial group based in South Africa. Standard Bank, with headquarters in Johannesburg, has total assets of over US$120 billion and employs about 50,000 people worldwide. Its network spans 18 sub-Saharan countries (including South Africa) and extends to 21 countries on other continents, including the key financial centres of Europe, the United States, South America and Asia.
In addition to banking, Standard Bank has a strategic interest in the insurance industry through its control of the Liberty Group, one of Africa’s leading life offices and financial services groups. In Uganda Stanbic Bank has over 90 branches and a growing network of ATMs of over 190. The bank’s branch network is divided into 4 regions namely Central, Eastern, and Northern, and Western.
Our business in Uganda is divided into two areas: Personal & Business Banking and Corporate and Investment Banking. Stanbic Bank is the largest bank in Uganda with assets exceeding Shs 1 trillion and employs 1800 workers.
Over the years, Stanbic Bank has introduced products that proactively meet the needs of our customers. Notable among these are: Vehicle and Asset Finance (VAF), home loans, credit cards, mobile airtime top up, Contract Save and Bonus Investment accounts, online banking, specialised corporate products among others. Lately, we are the sole providers of banking infrastructure to support the recently launched MTN mobile money, taking financial services deep into rural Uganda. The Uganda Capital Markets Authority licensed Stanbic Bank as a merchant banker, stockbroker and financial adviser.